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Instructions for library services

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Both institutional users (students, researchers, professors and administrative staff of the University) and scholars from other

universities or study and research institutions (external users) can access the Library's services.

To access the services of the Angelo Monteverdi Library, the user must register with the library in the Distribution Room.


Fundamental rules to be respected:

1) The Library is a place of study where silence is obligatory and respectful behavior is observed so as not to cause disturbance.

2) You shouldn't speak out loud.

3) Food, drinks and mobile phones must not be brought in.


Consultation of the book heritage is permitted to all users. The works placed on "open shelves" can be taken directly by the user and consulted exclusively in the consultation rooms.

To consult collections stored in rooms not accessible to the public, the user can anticipate the request using the online services functions from the catalogue.

Once the consultation is completed, the user is required to return the volumes to the Distribution Room.  The return of the works must take place at least 15 minutes before the closing of the Library. 


The loan must be requested at the entrance desk or in the Distribution Room. The loan service allows the user to use book material outside the library rooms for a period of 15 days.

The loan can be renewed for a further 15 days if the user requests the extension by the expiry date and if the volume has not been booked by another user.

The automated system sends a notification email to the user before the loan expires.  The loan is granted on a personal basis, it is forbidden to transfer the

works borrowed to third parties. Books on loan must be returned by the due date. However, the Library has the right to demand the early return of the work at any time.

The following are subject to restrictions for external lending: periodicals and miscellanies, both in loose and bound issues; specialist reference works; ancient,

rare and valuable works; works in a precarious state of conservation; cartographic material; the exam texts. You can borrow up to a maximum of 5 documents.